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Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Sims 4 Create-A-Sim Demo Review

Let me start this off by acknowledging that I'm one of the privileged few who got the demo early and I feel really grateful to have received it. Many are upset because they didn't and I'm very sorry for that. A few more weeks and you too will join in the CAS fun.

This is a post stating my views on The Sims 4 CAS demo. This is by no means an overview of the content. For that there are heaps of youtube channels and websites for you to check out. I give the best and the worst of the demo. Hope you enjoy!

my finished product, Rocco Da Vinci (twitter avatar)

The Best...

  •  The first thing I noticed was the speed and smooth running of the demo. On opening the game this was immediately evident. The game runs exceptionally well on my old machine. This is such a relief and such a huge contrast to the super slow Sims 3 CAS. I do, however, realise that the base game and subsequent expansions will have tons more content and it may slow it down but I don't think by very much.

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